Actualmente el jitomate es la hortaliza de mayor relevancia en México debido a la gran
derrama económica que representa para los productores y comercializadores. Sin
embargo, este cultivo se ve altamente afectado por el actinomiceto Clavibacter
michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm). Hasta nuestro conocimiento no existen
tratamientos que sean efectivos, ni cultivares comerciales resistentes. Razón por la
cual surge la necesidad de explorar y validar alternativas sustentables para la
producción de jitomate. Basados en diversas investigaciones se propusieron como
posible solución contra Cmm seis compuestos derivados de naftoquinona y el aceite
esencial y extracto etanolico de Melissa officinalis, los cuales se evaluaron mediante
pruebas in vitro.
Los estudios in vitro mostraron que tanto los compuestos sintetizados, excepto AF1, al
igual que el extracto etanólico y aceite esencial de Melissa officinalis tienen actividad
inhibitoria contra Cmm.
Nowadays tomato is the most relevant vegetable in Mexico due to the great economic
impact it represents for producers and marketers. However, this crop is highly affected
by the actinomycete Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm). To our
knowledge, there are no effective treatments or resistant commercial cultivars. Reason
why the need arises to explore and validate sustainable alternatives for tomato
production. Based on various investigations, six compounds derived from
naphthoquinone and the essential oil and ethanolic extract of Melissa officinalis were
proposed as a possible solution against Cmm, which were evaluated through in vitro
In vitro studies showed that both the synthesized compounds, except AF1, as well as
the ethanolic extract and essential oil of Melissa officinalis, have inhibitory activity
against Cmm.